Friday, November 18, 2011

The Last Cry?

If only I could, e’en for a day, find that romance that my heart has for a lifetime craved;
If I could stand and feel the breeze kiss my face, the drizzle throw me into a dance;
Hear the music in the heart that leaps but can’t escape.

Is this really so much to ask for? 

Friday, February 27, 2009

That day!

See how it begins to rush in! J

Did I tell you that there’s a dam close by;

Evil forces sit at the sluice gates;

They release the waters on me whenever they feel like.


See how the beauty suddenly fades off: vaporizes!

My most persistent preoccupation

Suddenly goes through a Moses sea-water trick.


Now, in this vacuum I could stay,

Suffocate, self-pity, sing...

... or in this vacuum I could stay,

And preach to naïve younger ones

About how sceptical they need to be about the L-word. J


It’s amazing how one completely does not want her any more,

After she doesn’t want me any more.

Sublimation, wasn’t it? Going directly from solid to gas

Without passing through liquid.

Is this how shallow boy-girls are? J


This is the beauty of the expectations game.

And, this is why the Buddha has a following.


Dhruv Raj Sharma

7h day of March

Sometime in the afternoon (4ish)


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

He, the attention-seeking woman!

If one is just so afraid, how can one ever do it right?
So the early biker must fall,
And the swimmer, drown,
Before they become.
And so the hurt must be endured, they prescribe.

I seethe with rage!
How can the forces protective leave me bare to such falls?!
All my life I’ve felt the presence, all these years, the Hand!
And now, suddenly, I must fall to learn?!

Why can’t this be simple?
So, I’m thirsty and I need the water!
What is your problem?
Why must I drown to get it??

And so, He is a show off, isn’t he?
An attention-seeking woman,
Who wants us to take a closer, deep, look
At every single aspect of his creations.

Dhruv Raj Sharma
Do I even deserve this then?
If I’m so hungry for it, the food will always taste good, right?
Why will it ever seem bad?

But, what when the hunger’s over?
Will I even look at the food then?

And so, how do we get to know what real good food is?
What’s the test:
Eat it on a starved stomach that can’t thirst more?
Or, on a full one with no further desire?
Or, maybe the six-meals-a-day thought is a good theory. :-D

Dhruv Raj Sharma

There is a little yellow light in my phone..

There is a little yellow light in my phone.
Every time there’s been a call missed, it flashes faster than before.
All times of the day I keep looking for that desperate flashing.
In about ten seconds, I can find out if there’s been a call missed.
As it approaches the tenth second without a flash
My hopeful smile wilts away
Into a pathetic cushion-arranging.
And then, with a put-on smile, I say:
“Hey, comoooon, Dhruv?!” :-D

Bah! I’m just greedy.
Everything to me is just another want of a second helping of chocolate truffle.
I mean, she’s already done so much:
The first helping itself was so reassuring,
WHY must there be a second?!
WHY NOT JUST THE FIRST? It’s so beautiful,

I tell her there’s an “evolutionary press” in every relationship!
Ha ha! :-D

There is a little yellow light in my phone.
All times of the day I keep looking for that desperate flashing.

Dhruv Raj Sharma